patient info
Patient Information
Please ring during surgery hours to make an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time. Emergencies will be given priority. Reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforseen delay or if the doctor has been called away. Longer consultation times are available. If you need more time please tell the receptionist when you make the booking. This will help the doctor keep on time and avoid long delays for other patients.
Our friendly staff
Devaki Parasuramar
Kate Johnson
Home visits and telephone access
If your condition prevents you from attending the surgery, visits to your home, hospital or nursing home can be arranged. Please ring the surgery in the morning to arrange a visit. The doctor may be contacted by phone during surgery hours. Emergency calls will always be put straight through. All other calls will be returned by the doctor at his earliest convenience.
After Hours and Emergencies
If the surgery is closed please ring the Eudunda & Kapunda Health Service on 08 8566 0200 for medical attention.
Fees & Billing policy
A schedule of fees is available from the reception desk and displayed in the waiting room. Please attend to your account at reception before leaving. Full payment on the day would be appreciated. EFTPOS facilities are available and we accept cheques. We will lodge your Medicare claim electronically and the Medicare rebate will be deposited into your account. Bulk billing is available for concession card holders and children under the age of 16. If you have any difficulty paying our fees, please discuss it with us.
Repeat Prescriptions & Forms
To enable good patient care we prefer to see patients for repeat prescriptions. Insurance & Disability forms will be filled out as part of a consultation.
Immunisations are available at the surgery any time – please inform the receptionist when making the appointment.
Changes in your personal details
It is imperative that you notify us of any change in personal details – eg. name, phone number, address, medicare number, marital status, next of kin, emergency contact, Advanced Care Directive.
Results of blood tests
If a blood test is done we will call you only if the doctor needs to discuss the results with you or instructs us to communicate them to you. The results are usually received by the 2nd or 3rd day after the test. If you are concerned please call and check with the receptionist.
Preventive Health Care and our Recall & Reminder System
We are committed to preventive care. Pamphlets are available on various health issues and our notice board will have details of local health promotion programs. Please consider enrolling in our reminder system – a handout on how the system operates and enrolment/consent forms are available at reception. We will issue reminder notices from time to time offering you preventive health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be involved please indicate this on the consent form.
Patient Feedback
We constantly review our services in order to maintain high standards of care. Periodically, you will be asked to fill out questionnaires by the receptionist. If you have comments or criticisms please feel free to talk to the doctor or receptionist. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box in the waiting room. The issues arising from your input will be given due attention. If this method of feedback is not adequate for your needs, the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency is available to discuss your concerns (tel : 1300 419 495 web:
Our policy on Personal Information Privacy & access to your health information
Copies of our privacy policy & brochure are available at reception. Your details, medical records and consultations within this practice are kept strictly confidential, accessible only by authorised staff and will not be released without your written consent.
Practice Code of Ethics
Our practice abides by the Australian Medical Association’s code of ethics.
Translating & Interpreting Service (TIS) and National Relay Service (NRS)
We can book an appointment for a translator to be available on the phone during your consultation. If you suffer from a hearing or speech impairment we can use the National Relay Service (NRS) to communicate with you.
Do you identify as someone from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background?
It is important that we record your self-identified cultural background to assist in appropriately tailoring care to your needs.